Malaysian Talents.Com

Heya! I thought you might like to see a show I'm in a couple of episodes in that's quite funny. It's online so you can watch it while on the computer! And if you're abroad outside of Malaysia, this is a great way to see a Malaysian show created by Douglas Lim.
The show is called "Malaysian" and it's humour is ala The Office and Extras style. It's been made especially for the website which comes under TV3 here. I'm in the last two episodes 19 and 20, but you can watch every episode online I believe. I play a sickly-sweet-bitchier version of myself.
Go to and hover above VIDEO and then click on GUA TV, then you'll see the show listed. Or try this link which should take you straight to the right page:
It's not on the home page anymore as it's the end of the season. Check it out before they take it off!
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